Thu, 28 April 2022
MCF Episode 375 - Simon and Taruna Rijwani: A Story of Struggle From Years of Back Pain and Two Prior Surgeries Since Adolescence, but Finally Relief and Control
In episode 375 of the Mechanical Care Forum, we're continuing with season 11. We’re joined by Simon, a mathematician in a neuroscience lab at John’s Hopkins in Arlington, Virginia USA and his therapist Taruna Rijwani. Simon shares his 10 year history of back and leg pain and two subsequent surgeries, his inability to hold down his job, sit, focus and multitask and enjoy tennis normally. He and Taruna share his experience of steady but definite progress and the keys which got him there.
We hope to deliver this content to the committed professional who wants to improve his/her care and we hope to do it in a way that is easily accessible, the world over, in today's technological age. To contribute:
Thanks for your support! |
Tue, 19 April 2022
MCF Episode 374 - Dulcy and Kristina: A Story of a Fall, Persisting Neck and Shoulder Pain, Fear Inducing Medical education, but Finally Hope and Relief and Recovery
In episode 374 of the Mechanical Care Forum, we’re continuing with Season 11. We’re joined by Dulcy, a retired hospital foundation Vice President in Leesburg, Virginia USA and her therapist Kristina. Dulcy shares her 4 months history of neck and shoulder pain after a fall, her inability to sleep, sit, and function, the unfortunate failure of traditional medical care and physical therapy, the serious nature of her outlook due to her medical doctor’s comment on the MRI findings and the potential of the possible future surgery and how Kristina’s care and guidance provided relief she doubted she might ever experience.
We hope to deliver this content to the committed professional who wants to improve his/her care and we hope to do it in a way that is easily accessible, the world over, in today's technological age. To contribute:
Thanks for your support! |
Mon, 11 April 2022
MCF Episode 373 - Rick and Susan Wood: A Story of Bilateral Thigh Pain, Inability to Walk, Suggested Spine Surgery and Eventually Zero Pain, No Operation Necessary
In episode 373 of the Mechanical Care Forum, we're continuing with season 11. We're joined by Rick, a 67 year old male retired from the telecommunications industry who began having bilateral thigh pain and inability to walk. He was diagnosed by his doctor of having spinal stenosis and told he could try physical therapy but may need surgery. We also speak with Susan Wood, his physical therapist who made some observations of his history and his physical examination which didn't match up with the classic stenosis presentation. Rick and Susan recount his response to the care Susan gave him and we hear how he's doing now, months later, pain free and nearly back to full function. This week on MCF!
We hope to deliver this content to the committed professional who wants to improve his/her care and we hope to do it in a way that is easily accessible, the world over, in today's technological age. To contribute:
Thanks for your support! |
Wed, 6 April 2022
MCF Episode 372 - Mary and Stephen: A Story of 9 Months of Knee Pain, Hopelessness Until Trusting Stephen
In episode 372 of the Mechanical Care Forum, we're continuing with season 11. We’re joined by Mary, a nurse with a sudden onset of knee pain, a diagnosis from an orthopedist of osteoarthritis and a bone spur, and not much hope. She and her therapist, Stephen, share her outlook before having seen him, how she felt when she received her diagnosis, Stephens observations which led him to believe she might be able to recovery without the need for the suggested knee surgery, the ultimate outcome and more. This week on MCF!
We hope to deliver this content to the committed professional who wants to improve his/her care and we hope to do it in a way that is easily accessible, the world over, in today's technological age. To contribute:
Thanks for your support! |